Checking In

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Hello! Is anyone out there?

My goodness blogging has changed since I began back in 2010.  Gone are the days of scheduled daily posts and hello to novels written under Instagram photos and snippets of daily life on Instastories. It's strange when I've followed someone's blog for years only to have them take their life offline. I find myself wondering about them, like an old friend you haven't seen in years. How big are their kids now? Did they have any more? Where have they traveled & how is that renovation project going? I read a tweet predicting 2018 as the year blogging returns in full force. Do you think it will happen?

We're still here in Abu Dhabi, 18 months in, a family of 4, settled and comfortable.  Our little Esmé Leila was born on May 6.  We bumped (and crashed) along those first months adjusting to our new normal but now as she crawls around the house and squeals away, it's hard to believe we were ever without her. Jasper is busy with nursery school and running his masking tape airport on our living room floor.  He "just wants to watch Boeings all day long, Mom," and has a bit of panic setting in now that his sister is mobile and holds a keen interest in all of his toys. Joe has started a new position although still within the same company. It's been a great, fresh start for him after some difficult months in a job that didn't feel right.

I'm mostly wrangling kids these days. Between nap schedules and meals and school pick ups, my days are full.  I've been taking a few hours one morning a week to myself while Ezzie stays with our housekeeper.  I mostly use it to run errands or go to appointments but even a car ride alone these days feels a bit like a holiday. I've started writing a little as a contributing author on Bébé Voyage (check out my 'Day in a Life' post) and it's been nice dipping my toes in again.

Our traveling has slowed down significantly from our days in Norway. I miss the ease of Europe where everything seemed close and easy. While we certainly have options here in the East, the destinations aren't always the easiest of places to take young children. We've been doing something I never imagined I'd do - booking in at nice resorts here in the UAE when we need a change of scenery. Last year we managed a week in Croatia and a big trip to Canada and both trips were big learning experiences now that our hands are slightly fuller.  This winter, we're heading off to Thailand! We'll be meeting my in laws on Koh Samui for a relaxed week at a villa on the beach. I am so looking forward to touching down in a new country and all the exhilaration that comes with it!

I don't know if anyone comments on blogs any more but if you feel inclined, tell me what you've been up to! I won't make any empty promises about getting back to this space regularly but who knows? Maybe 2018 will see a revival.

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