Apologies in advance for those of you who could care less about pregnancy related posts - feel free to skip over this one.
Pre-pregnancy, I didn't fully grasp the immense amount of change that the body and mind go through while growing a human. Perhaps I didn't care or perhaps the entire process just felt so far away that I didn't actually consider what pregnancy actually consisted of. In any case, it was a bit of a shock and I desperately scoured for information and tips to help ease into this period of growth.
While I like to think of myself as relatively relaxed about the whole thing, there are times when everything feels different and anything that provides a little comfort is welcome. And thus, here are those things - in no particular order.
As I began my second trimester, I started attending an English prenatal yoga class. The yoga itself wasn't that fulfilling but the community was nice so I continued to go but I also wanted to develop a better practice. I was skeptical about online classes - they aren't usually my thing - but I quickly became hooked to YogaGlo. My favourite teacher is
Jo Tastula and the
Active Second Trimester Flow is to die for. I aim for 3 classes a week - sometimes I do more and sometimes I do less but it has made all the difference in my day.
Gaia Pure Pregnancy Belly Butter
I started off using
Mama Bee Belly Butter
which was perfectly fine but while I was in Canada, I came across the Gaia and I LOVE it! The scent reminds me of a spa and it makes my skin soft and relieves any itchiness. And, knock on wood, no stretch marks yet.
My Chiropractor
I had never visited a chiropractor before but I've long suffered from pain in my upper and lower back. I suppose it was fear holding me back but when I came across a clinic in Stavanger that specializes in women and children, I took a leap of faith and made an appointment. Best. Decision. Ever. I don't know why I wasn't doing this much earlier. In terms of pregnancy, chiropractors can help to relieve a lot of pain in your back and pelvis. There's studies that with a better aligned body, your labour will be quicker and post-pregnancy, it's also supposed to help get things back to where they once were. I also see many-a newborn babies going into the clinic - apparently it can help with colic. We'll see.
Magnesium Citrate Powder
Half way into my second trimester I was jolted awake nearly every night with terrible leg cramps. There's nothing like writhing in pain to ruin a good sleep.
Carly suggested magnesium powder. Ever since, I've been mixing myself a cup at night and I haven't had a problem.
When it comes to food…
I'm so thankful to have the variety of summer fruits and vegetables. Bowls of banana, raspberry and Norwegian strawberries have been a great snack as have fruit smoothies (I usually add frozen berries, a banana and some apple juice.) It's also been a challenge to find drinks aside from water and orange juice. Cocktails aren't common in Norway so ordering a virgin of something isn't really a possibility but at home, I have had virgin bloody marys and lately, a cranberry, sparkling water with a twist of lime has been nice. This
Aranciata Rossa from San Pelligrino is quickly becoming a new favourite. I wish I had some magical fixes to share for the torture that was my first trimester but I don't really - everything tasted terrible.
And for the clothes…
I would have never guessed that it would be near impossible to find maternity clothes that I felt comfortable in here in Norway given that there are pregnant women everywhere. But, alas, H&M seemed to be the only option and I didn't like it. I'd much rather spend money on a few quality pieces than a bunch of cheap stuff that doesn't feel nice. I got away with the hair elastic on my jeans trick for awhile but I was desperate to buy clothes when I arrived in Canada this June.
I ordered 2 tank tops and a pair of leggings from
Storq which might just be the softest cotton I've ever felt. I will live in those leggings right up until the arrival of this baby and probably afterwards as well. (I didn't buy the skirt or dress as I figured I wouldn't get use out of them in Norway. During this heat wave, I wished I had them.)
I bought one pair of maternity jeans while in Norway but the full panel that's meant to go up over your belly, right under your chest felt so uncomfortable for me.
Paige Denim have jeans with small sections of elastic above the pockets so they look and feel like regular pants. I have
these ones and
these ones.
I'm still wearing quite a bit of non-maternity clothes including a couple of long maxi dresses (
here and
here,) pretty much all of my
Lululemon stuff and my cardigans from
All Saints. I bought a few things from
Gap Maternity and
Loft Maternity but many of my favourite tops came from an independent store in Calgary (
Posh Mommy for those of you who find yourselves there. They have a few things available online too.)
And there you have it - the things that have made my pregnancy a little easier thus far. Do you have anything to add?