Around Town

Monday 16 April 2012

I've been making a bit more of an effort as of late to take photos around town - just the regular things that don't seem special anymore because we see them so often.  I thought I'd share some with you today.

City Hall - where Joe and I were married.

An occupied apartment building downtown

Walking the logs

The entrance to a small park on the waterfront downtown

Stalls in the market

Laundry day

People gathering to board the boat out of Port Gentil

The old lighthouse at Cap Lopez

Women heading back to the small fishing village at Cap Lopez.


  1. These are great! Keep them coming. I had absolutely no idea what Port Gentil looked like.

    Also, just clicked through to read about your wedding. I kind of love that you had two, and both were completely fascinating!

  2. Thanks Jess! I realised that I didn't have many photos of POG aside from the beach and the pool. It's easy to forget that it's new to everyone else!
    (I also love that we had 2 weddings - it means 2 honeymoons and 2 anniversaries!)

  3. SO much amazing pictures!!!
    Lovely blog you got here.

  4. Awesome pictures - very African! :-) I love the one with the logs!

  5. City hall looks so romantic :)

  6. It was ultra romantic Russ - especially when they played Rihanna/Eminem's song about domestic violence when we walked down the isle ;)


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