Five Things

Monday 15 April 2013

I'm a little late to the game but what the heck...

+Joe calls me his "Little {expensive} Hippie."  I don't like chemicals (I've never owned a bottle of bleach), I listen to weird (his words) music, I'm passionate about Human Rights and I do yoga & meditate.  However, I also have an eye for luxury hotels & expensive clothes.  It's a bit of a dichotomy.
+I'm afraid of birds - not afraid as in I think they'll harm me but afraid as in I don't like them anywhere near me.  I can't judge their distance from me when flying thus am often ducking and dodging birds when they're no where near me.  This is problematic in Europe with an abundance of pigeons.  On a similar note, people who feed birds drive me nuts.
+I danced competitively my entire childhood.  It was my life 4 nights per week throughout my adolescence and while I enjoyed it, when I got to university I completely abandoned it and haven't taken a class since.  I'm now convinced that I would be horribly awkward if I picked it up again although I will occasionally attempt a few pirouettes in the kitchen.
+My first name is not actually Jay although it is my middle name.  I've never been called my first name so I don't really identify with it.  In fact, when it's called at the doctor's office I sometimes forget they're talking to me.
+I grew up with a lot of food allergies that basically surrounded anything that had any sort of mould.  This included all milk products, certain yeasts and my personal favourite, leftovers.  I've grown out of most of them although if I have too many milk products in a day, my stomach isn't happy and I've been known to throw out a, "I'm allergic to leftovers," on occasion.


  1. I totally get the expensive hippie dichotomy :)

  2. You and I are definitely alike when it comes to #1!

  3. I was curious about your name -- I don't meet many women named Jay...I am also an expensive hippy, haha

  4. ek, don't get me started on birds. They come around, I go screaming. I wasn't sure why I was so scared of birds for the longest time ... until my mom reminded me that a seagull attacked me / stole food from my hand at the zoo when I was a little tot. perhaps you also had a similar experience?

    1. I blame it on barn swallows - they swoop at your head - and we had a lot at our farm.

  5. Okay, I love your blog! First of all, adorable, second, how awesome that you and you hubs just picked up and took off to explore the world. Awesome! Swing by!

  6. I may have left a few of the same comment. I keep pressing PUBLISH, and it disappears, but doesn't show up. Haha

    1. Well, I got one of them :)

      Thanks for stopping by! I'll definitely swing by your blog.

  7. I danced too! Not competitively, but every time I take a class I'm so embarrassed. It's so sad how those things can go away so quickly if they're not kept up.

  8. I HATE birds. I really do. they're obnoxious and stupid, and they don't seem to realize that when a big moving vehicle moves toward you that you should move out of the way - not just farther down the street. gah.

    also, that leftovers allergy? I kinda wish I had that. my mother is like, the queen of leftovers so anytime I'm at home there's a lot of that involved.

  9. I have never known what it is with leftovers ... but now I do! I must be allergic to them too :)

  10. i can't imagine being allergic to mold! ok when it's put that way, it doesn't seem so bad but when you think of all the things that has 'mold' in it, that's a lot! glad to hear that you've partially grown out of it. and now i'm curious about your first name : )

  11. so glad you grew out of most of your food allergies! that can not be fun!

  12. totally understand the name thing--i go by my middle name too and i just can't identify with my first name, so weird!

    1. I know a few people in our boat. Most assume that my first name is horrible and that's why I don't use it but I just never have so it's not me!


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