Looking Back - April 2011

Monday 9 April 2012

Exactly one year ago, Joe and I were in South Africa experiencing the best trip of our lives.  Perhaps it was influenced by the 3 months of hell we experienced prior (robbery after robbery followed by months of homelessness and frustration) but this trip made our move to Gabon seem worthwhile as I'm not sure we would have ever done it had we not moved to Africa.

I've been thinking a lot about our time in Africa as we know it will inevitably come to an end and while it has been filled with many highs and lows, I only wish we had more time to travel.  Our safari one year ago has left me yearning for more and once we leave Africa, I'm not sure we'll be back.  I often think back on it and realise how lucky we are to have experienced something so amazing.


  1. These are great close up animal photos!

  2. Wow these pics are awesome! I miss this part of the world sooo much.

  3. I'm so envious of your safari experience! I never had any desire to go to Africa but from your photos and comments from other friend's who have been, it's starting to look more and more enticing. Who wouldn't want to see a giraffe in the wild?!

  4. Jess - I never had an desire to do it either but I can verify that it was by far the best experience of my life. I really don't think I'll ever be able to top that trip!

  5. I have just come across ur blog and read the ENTIRE thing from beginning to, well, here... :) absolutely love reading about it and even though I live in South Africa, ur experience is still so interesting but I can identify with many things u say.
    Really enjoyed reading it & now follow u on instagram & will subscribe! :-)
    Pretoria, South Africa

  6. Megan, thank you for your kind comments! I think there are a lot of commonalities across this huge continent and I love that people can relate to what I've experienced.
    Thanks for reading :)


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