Lesson Learned

Monday 25 October 2010

We’ve been in Africa 3 months now and I guess we were overdue for a robbery.

Joe and I were at our house this weekend doing a few things in case we actually get to move in.  I went to look for my iPod Touch and realized it was missing.  I was pretty sure I left it on the counter but it was nowhere to be seen.  Upon further investigation we noticed several small items had gone missing.  Before leaving Canada, Joe and I stocked up on several toiletries and put them in our shipment.  A toothbrush, toothpaste, half a box of q-tips, face moisturizer, my stock of MAC makeup (which I really don’t understand because I’m white… no one can use it here) and several other small items were among the missing!

We are pretty sure we know who did it.  There was one occasion where we sent 2 people (one we trusted quite a bit) to the house without either Joe or I.  Everything that was taken was small enough to fit in pockets, as the guard would have picked up on anything large.  There’s no way of getting any of it back and we don’t want to go around pointing fingers so I guess we just walk away with a couple of lessons: we were a bit too trusting of people and we should never send people to our house without one of us being there.

We didn’t lose a lot of things worth great value; the invasion of privacy and betrayal of our trust was the worst of it.  We generally feel pretty safe here and it is easy to get complacent so this served as a little reminder that we are in Africa and we do need to be a little more cautious.


  1. Huge lesson learned! Always remember, when people see what they believe is so much more than they do they almost think it's fair to help themselves. We've always been warned, trust no one in a new country. Sad, but perhaps the truth. I've had bits of jewellery stolen many times from cleaning staff in rooms. On the plus side, moving into your house sounds great. My movers come thursday .... I am not all packed! Did I mention, I hate moving......
    Cheers from Mindy

  2. We haven't hired a housekeeper yet and this makes me question getting one at all! Might be more trouble than it's worth. Hope the moving goes well!


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