So Long Canada!

Friday 10 August 2012

After 2.5 weeks in Canada, it's time to return to Norway.

As usual, I've revelled in food, caesars and family and while I've had a blast, I'm ready to get back to Stavanger, see my husband and settle in to our new home for a second time!

I couldn't help but share a couple more photos of my adorable, 2.5 year old niece, Kyptin.

My mom brought out some watermelon at dinner one night and when Kyptin saw it, she exclaimed in a big voice,"Oh, you have got to be kidding me?!"

That kid cracks me up.

Until Christmas Canada...


  1. Coolest name ever! Kyp for short?

  2. That is great that you get to go home for Christmas, Jay! I'm sure that will fly by for you. And so wonderful that you get to go home and settle into life in Norway again.

  3. So happy for you! And your niece is totally adorable!

  4. kyptin is beautiful! and such a pretty name :)

    p.s. i'm your newest follower :)

    xo brie


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