Adieu Gabon

Friday 22 June 2012

The time has come to say goodbye to Gabon.

It's unlikely that we'll ever be back here (although never say never!)

Both Joe and I have been challenged more than we could ever explain throughout our time in Gabon yet we've learned more than I ever thought possible, realised just how much we are capable of and grew closer together as a couple.

With heavy hearts we say goodbye to the amazing friends we've made, our pool that I think I'll miss more than I'd like to admit and our life in Gabon but we're so excited for what's to come!

So with that, we say...

Farewell Gabon.


  1. and hellllllo norway! we are happy to have you here (esp me! hoping we can meet up this summer!)

  2. Good luck! Look forward to following the adventures here! :)

  3. Have a good move, girlfriend!!!! Excited to hear about the next country you're in! :) Norway? Did I get it right this time?

  4. Moving is sooo tough-even if you are ready for it

  5. Gabon will be such an interesting chapter in the story that is your lives together. Thinking of you guys as you make your next big move!

  6. i'm sure it's hard to say goodbye but i'm excited for your new adventures!

  7. Wonderful memories and I'm sure you'll cherish them forever. But you'll have plenty of wonderful times ahead in Norway, I promise you that :-)

  8. just found your blog and you LIVED/LIVE IN GABON???
    that is so neat.
    excited to be your newest follower!


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