Around the Web

Friday 15 March 2013

While the written word isn't coming so easily to me these days, I thought I'd share some things around the web that I'm enjoying.

+I really loved this post debunking myths about Egypt from my friend, JoAnna.  (Thinking of you this weekend as you say goodbye to Egypt and head into this next chapter!)

+Jenna posted some pretty amazing photos of Deadvlei in Namibia.

+I loved this beautiful post on Manhattan Nest about family, inheritance & legacy.

+If you are wondering about traveling Europe & budget, this post from Jess is a must-see.  She's also included some great tips for finding the best deals.

+Unbrave Girl's post about teaching overseas is really interesting, particularly if you've ever wondered if you might be qualified to teach ESL abroad.

+This video about the use of the word 'gay' is humorous yet informative and should have us all questioning the impacts our words have on others.

+For all of the bloggers (and others) that are in shock and dismay over Google's decision to lay Google Reader to rest, I've been trying out Feedly and am quite liking it.  It seems to be more customizable than BlogLovin and I appreciate that the entire background isn't a large H&M ad.  It's occasionally a bit slow but I assume that will get better as it adjusts to more & more users.

+Fellow blogger and expat in Norway, Andrea,  posted 15 things about living in Norway that provide some insight into this country and it's inner workings.  (The other 15 can be found on Megan's blog.)

+Loved this critical look at the French school system and it's Vacances Scolaires - something I was always intrigued by watching French families in Gabon.

Hope you all have a nice weekend.  Joe has plenty of work to catch up on and I'm hoping to tackle a little spring cleaning.  It'll be quiet, but needed.


  1. Love all these shares!! You should totally add it to my Stamp of Approval Saturday link up tomorrow!

  2. Thanks so much for the shout out! :) Off to check out some of these other posts that I haven't seen yet :)


  3. thanks so much for the share jay :) i completely know what you're going through as im lucky to post a whopping three times a month these days. hope you've been enjoying the sun lately (we've had sun so im assuming you have too!) and are ready for spring. we have snow today though ;)

  4. Thanks so much for sharing our post! Coffee next week?


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