Norway is on Easter Vacation

Thursday 28 March 2013

Easter in Norway is sort of a big deal although not particularly due to the religious aspects of the holiday.  This Scandinavian country has the world's longest Easter holiday with Thursday, Friday & Monday all being nationwide holidays and schools generally have the entire week off giving Norwegians plenty of time to travel and celebrate the return of Spring after a long, dark winter.

This past weekend, Joe and I noticed just how quiet the city had become with many locals heading elsewhere for the holiday.  Restaurants that were normally busy were vacant and despite the sunny skies, we didn't see the normal influx of outdoor activity around our neighbourhood.  Joe's office is abnormally quiet and the commuting traffic is practically non-existent.  It's pretty evident, Norway is on vacation.
Via Visit Norway

With my friend Jeanie arriving this afternoon all the way from Canada and Joe having several days off work, we're heading out to explore Norway.  We'll be venturing North, where Joe and I have yet to visit, and we'll get to experience the famous Flåm Railway, ranked one of the top 10 rail journeys in the world.  I imagine it's going to be breathtaking  and I'm so excited to introduce Jeanie to the beauty of this country!

Hope you all have a great Easter weekend whether you're staying close to home, visiting family or traveling somewhere new!

{If you're interested, I found this great article detailing Easter traditions in Norway.}


  1. Looks so so stunning! Enjoy the trip with your friend, I'm sure she will love Norway as much as you do :)


  2. Have so much fun- and I can't wait to hear about it!! There's nothing quite as great as showing off a place you've come to love as well as discovering things you've overlooked because fresh eyes see them!

  3. Oh man, you're going to have a fabulous time! I can't wait to see photos!! :)

  4. Have a lovely Easter holiday! It's a bit weird being in Spain, cause the world doesn't stop although it's Easter ;)
    I took Flåmsbana in summer once (I even posted about it on my blog) and I thought it was very beautiful, but I have no idea how it looks in winter so I am looking forward to seeing your pictures!

  5. Can't wait to see photos! Enjoy your time with your friend.

  6. Have a great time with your friend! I'm sure it will be an amazing trip! :)

  7. I am always so jealous of European holiday schedules! Have fun and enjoy traveling by train. What a great way to soak up the scenery!!

  8. Enjoy your holiday! I found your blog quite by accident and I hope you don't mind. I'm a fellow Canadian - we moved from Ontario to Ireland about 6 months ago. This is our first Easter here too and like Norway there's loads of time off school and work. Hard to complain!

  9. Hi, In South Africa Easter weekend is part of the school holiday. I live in a coastal town in the Garden Route. People from all over the country come here for the holiday. Enjoy your holiday.

  10. so fun having visitors! have fun!


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