Expat Life is Hard

Thursday 12 July 2012

Beautiful beach near the Stavanger airport

Expat life is often regarded as 'the' way of living especially when you are sponsored by your company. We get to live in different places with our houses & cars paid for and upgrades to help us keep our normal standard of living.  On the downside, we're at the mercy of the company especially in the oil & gas industry.  We don't necessarily get to choose where we live - we live where there is work and where the industry is thriving and sometimes that isn't in the most desirable places.  While moving across the world is a fairly big decision for most people, it isn't for these companies and occasionally they can throw life-altering decisions your way without even batting an eyelash.  You try to learn to roll with the punches and my goodness, we've rolled with them more than I'd like to remember but that certainly doesn't make it any easier.

We arrived in Norway just over a week ago and we couldn't wipe the smiles off our faces.  This place is gorgeous and the entire transition was so smooth --- too smooth.

We were brought here on the prospect of a rather large contract coming through this fall creating a lot of work for Joe's company.  The outlook was fairly positive and the company was spending a lot of money bringing in equipment and staff.  

Word came this past weekend that the contract did not go through.  The work that was supposed to be coming is not.

Completely out of left field, our lives are thrown into uncertainty.  The company has some tough decisions to make and unfortunately, those decisions will have a large impact on our life.  It's possible that we'll be told the work is no longer here and we're no longer needed meaning we'll get sent elsewhere.  It's also possible that while the work plan may change, we'll stay and continue on setting up life in Norway.  At this point in time, everything is unknown.

In this last week, Joe and I have fallen in love with Stavanger.  We've found a dream apartment and we've began settling in to life in Scandanavia.  Now, everything is on hold and while the company holds meeting after meeting,

all we can do is wait.


  1. Yikes!! I'll keep my fingers crossed you get to stay!

  2. Oh I'm so sorry to hear that! Hoping that everything turns out for the best!! - Jenna

  3. Just found your blog! Uncertainty is so hard... I hope you can stay. Stravenger seems like a little fairy tale!

  4. I hope you get to stay in Scandinavia! My fingers are crossed for you!

  5. Fingers crossed!! I hope they let you know soon what the plan is, either way. I can't stand the waiting part...patience is just not a virtue I was given.

  6. Gah! That's so difficult! I'm so sorry. I'm definitely sending good vibes your way and hoping everything works out... which I have a feeling it will :) It always does some way or another.


  7. That has got to be tough, Jay. Fingers crossed you find out soon if you can stay in Norway.

  8. Jay! I so know what you mean! I was suppose to start a new project in Mozambique in February, where my fiance would move over, but that got cancelled and then got offered Guinea with the (empty) promise of my fiance joining me here. It sucks! I know! Hang in there and I too will send the positive vibes your way! :)

  9. oh girl-- I know how hard waiting is...especially when you're waiting in the unknown. Praying you find out quickly!! And in the meantime, ENJOY that beautiful country you'll in!

  10. Oh noooooo! Fingers crossed everything works out. Btw, you should meet my friends who live there and are also expats.

  11. Thank you everyone! I appreciate all of the positive thoughts and vibes sent our way!

  12. Oh, I'm so sorry! I hope you'll be able to stay, but I know that stress is not easy to live with. My husband's job controls our lives, too. We've had one move to a place I hated for 3.5 years, (it was only supposed to be 3- I was counting- and then, they FORGOT about him. His name literally dropped off the move list. Luckily we noticed, and pitched a fit on my side/contacted the right people on his side, and 6 months later we finally got our move... to England. Which has been AMAZING. Also supposed to be 3 years, up this October- and now his new job wants him there in Sept. It's only a month, but I feel robbed!
    Anyway, that was all to tell you that I have no helping words, no advice, just a "I know how much this sucks, believe me." We haven't been in your exact situation, but moving at the whim of an entity that doesn't seem to take actual individuals' lives into account is NOT EASY. Hang in there, make the best of the time you have now (if you can), and I'll keep hoping for the best.

  13. It will all come together eventually! keeping my fingers crossed that you can stay in norway!! xx

  14. nooooooo. this makes me sad for yall :( fingers crossed and praying things turn out for the best!

  15. that sounds so frustrating :( i hope it works out the way you want!

  16. keeping my fingers crossed for you guys, hope you can stay! The view is amazing, reminds me of our beaches over here :-)

    Nice to have you on this side of the pond :-)

    love from Belgium!

  17. Oh no!! I hope you'll be able to stay!!

  18. Oh my gosh how unnerving!! You'll be in my thoughts...fingers crossed.

  19. Oh wow, that must be really hard. Let's hope word comes soon and that you are able to stay and set up in Norway. Positive thoughts all the way.


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